Is Kentucky a Veteran-Friendly State?

Discover all the resources & benefits available in Kentucky that make it one of the most veteran-friendly states in the United States. Learn more about state taxes & education benefits as well as employment & motor vehicle licenses.

Is Kentucky a Veteran-Friendly State?

Kentucky is one of the most veteran-friendly states in the United States, and our actions prove it. Our mission at KCMA is to continue to make it an even better place for our service members, veterans, and their families. From state taxes and education benefits to employment benefits, unemployment insurance, motor vehicle licenses, health and insurance benefits, parks and recreation benefits, and miscellaneous U. S.

benefits, Kentucky has a lot to offer its veterans. The Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KCVA) provides a variety of resources for veterans and their families. These include Kentucky military resource locations, information about state tax benefits for military personnel, information about the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), disability compensation and pension payments, grants for homes designed for wheelchair living, motor vehicle subsidies for veterans who have lost sight or use of their limbs, and the Dependent Care Assistance Program. In addition to these resources, the KCVA also provides information about property tax exemptions for disabled veterans, residency relief for active service members and their spouses, income tax filing extensions for service members serving in combat zones, educational benefits for veterans and their families, and employment benefits.

For example, if a veteran died while serving active duty in the U. Armed Forces or as a direct result of a service-related disability as determined by the VA; if they are totally disabled (not service-related) with wartime service; or if they actively served in the Kentucky National Guard and are eligible for all favorable personnel actions (not marked), they may be eligible for certain educational benefits. These include early enrollment of children from military families into school districts; student placement that does not disadvantage children from military families; qualification and eligibility for enrollment in educational programs; timely graduation of children of military families; uniform collection and exchange of information between member states, schools, and military families; coordination between this pact and other pacts affecting military children; flexibility and cooperation between the education system, parents, and students; and application of administrative regulations that implement the provisions of this pact. In addition to these educational benefits, Kentucky also offers the Purple Star Award for military-friendly schools.

In order to be eligible for this award, schools must name a school liaison who is specially trained to address the unique challenges faced by military families. Schools must also have a dedicated page on their website with resources for military families. When it comes to employment benefits, once an employee has been discharged from active duty or training they must return to their previous position with the same seniority, status, salary or any other right or benefit to which they are entitled. Employers are not required to grant paid leave of absence.

Service members who serve in the National Guard are entitled to a license for active duty or training. In addition, current state or local government employees who are members of the reserve component service may be eligible to receive a free service credit for their time on active duty. Kentucky is one of the most veteran-friendly states in the United States with many resources available to veterans and their families. The Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs provides information about state tax benefits for military personnel, information about the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), disability compensation and pension payments, grants for homes designed for wheelchair living, motor vehicle subsidies for veterans who have lost sight or use of their limbs, and the Dependent Care Assistance Program.

In addition to these resources, Kentucky also offers the Purple Star Award for military-friendly schools as well as employment benefits such as free service credits for current state or local government employees who are members of the reserve component service.